The Fastest Way To Boost Performance

In an ideal world we would all have superhuman amounts of energy. We would wake up with a spring in our step, with piss and vinegar running through our veins and it would remain that way throughout the day, week, month and year. 

The thing is we all know that is not how things work in the real world, over time we get worn down like the leather on the soles of an old shoe. Our energy goes, our focus goes, our motivation goes, we slow down and in some cases we stop. 

Clearly that is not ideal. Actually, going back to the superhero idea let me ask you a question, it is relevant I promise…

What is your Kryptonite? 

I assume you are familiar with what Kryptonite is! If not it is the thing that drains Superman of all his powers. It is the thing that makes him so very human, actually it renders him weaker than a kitten, but you get the point. 

Have you ever asked yourself.. What are the things that drain your energy?

There are obviously lots of things that drain us through every day life. But as it is a part of every day life we never take the time to analyse them. We just accept them as par for the course and move on. 

The thing is I think most people get what drains them wrong. 

Most people think it is the big things ( I am going to call them Kryptonite Rocks) that are the biggest drain on energy. You know the massive problems or people who get in our way. The problems that look like the end fo the world. 

The thing is just like superman we can see the big Kryptonite Rocks so we either avoid them or we are able to find almost unlimited energy for the massive problems. We have deep stores of energy just waiting to be unleashed when the big problems arise. 

So the truth is it is the little things (Kryptonite Dust) that drains us the most. Kryptonite dust is hard to spot if floats in the air so we can’t see it. We see motes of it in the sunlight and ignore it because it doesn’t seem to matter. 

The reason being it seems inconsequential.

The thing is all these little “Dust particles” compound over time, we keep breathing them in and they don’t seem to do any real harm.

Then they CRUSH us.

(On a side note Kryptonite dust has been used on Superman in comic books, he did not see it coming either).

I will talk about the aggregation of marginal gains in a future article and how compounding can make all the difference over time. That said there is an opposite effect. It is when little things chip, chip, chip, chip away at us until that moment happens when we crack. 

Hold on a second! You said this article was about boosting performance!

Ok, so you want to know the fastest way to boost performance?

Figure out what the little things are in your life that steal you energy (your own Kryptonite Dust)  the lidiots and the emotional vampires, the drama queens or the silly little nags and niggles that you constantly put up with. Those physical and psychological aches and pains that you allow to continue and you do nothing about. Those are what rob you of energy, that in turn robs you of performance. 

Eliminate them and you will have all the performance you ever need. Allow them to continue and they will rob you of energy, life and the will to perform. 

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