The 2nd (Secret) USP

Hopefully, by now we have all heard of a USP (Unique Selling Proposition). It is an extremely useful tool to differentiate us from our competition. Good!

But have you heard, or did you know that there is an even more important USP than the one already mentioned?

We call it the 2nd USP!

Before we talk about it, it would be a good point to make an observation. The observation is this… Most people in business will remain in the tactical mode/mindset.

They are only ever trying to solve the problem(s) that are, for that moment in time, right in front of them.

That seems reasonable right? You solve the problems at hand, and if you solve enough of them you get to stay in business. 

Like I say, that’s how most businesses work, that is how most business owners think. 

Tactical thinking is all the rage!

That is for the most part why most businesses stay where they are, or unfortunately, why most businesses fail. 

They do this because they are solving the wrong problems.

Instead of solving the problems in front of them, they should be solving Big Picture Problems

Big Picture Problems

Big Picture Problems are the ones, that once they are solved, move the business towards, or fully get them where they really want to go.

But they don’t solve the BPP so they always remain stuck.

The 2nd USP solves this…

Your Ultimate Strategic Position

That is the place that You Know in your heart of hearts that You and Your Business really belongs!

This is the place, how you truly wish to see yourself. It is the place how you want your customers and competition to see you. This is YOUR ULITIMATE STRATEGIC POSITION. 

So we need to take the time to figure out what exactly this should look like. Where exactly we should be. How we will feel about ourselves. How we think our customers and our competition will think about us. 

When we have that in mind and we have filled it out fully, then we know what we are aiming for!  You know exactly where you should be going. 

Way more important than that, you can deliberately look for, and start to solve the problems that move you in that direction!

You should read that again, it is important!

You look for specific problems to solve, that will get you where you want to go. You strategically seek out problems. You don’t wait for problems to find you. 

Do you see the difference?

Your second USP gives you a focus for your problem solving and moves you away from solving just another problem.

In the long run that makes all the difference. 

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