The 7 Most Important Business Questions

I am a serious believe or Quality Questions. The idea of quality questions is nothing new. Socrates was asking quality questions all the way back in ancient Greece. We have the Socratic method for that very reason.  In more modern times Tony Robbins has been banging on about quality questions for years and rightfully so.  … Read more

How To ALWAYS Make A Great Business Decision

Doing well in business is about making good decisions in a timely manner. There are obviously two parts to that.  Good decisions  A timely manner Make a bad decision it costs you! Delay a decision it may cost you! The thing is sometimes we sit too long on a decision, because we KNOW it may … Read more

The Fastest Way To Gain (Business Or Any Other) Skills

These curios objects are mummy hooks.  They are what the Egyptians used to scrape the brains out of corpses before mummification. Interestingly the Egyptians did not think the brain was much use thinking the heart was the thinking centre of a human. So they scooped the brains out and threw them away. Smart enough to … Read more

The Most Powerful Marketing Strategy known to Man (or Woman)

No matter what the naysayers say… There is one marketing strategy more powerful than any other.  It stands Head and Shoulders above them all. It picks up the others by the scruff of their necks and beats them around the head with a wet kipper. I kid you not, it is that powerful!!! So what … Read more