Ep #79 How To Really Give And Recieve Advice

Over a lifetime we are confronted by a barrage of advice, some good, some bad, some well-meaning, some not. In this episode, we discuss just how to become superhuman at taking advice. More importantly what frame we should be in order to receive it. The do’s and don’t of advice receiving. Enjoy! the … Read more

The 7 Most Important Business Questions

I am a serious believer in Quality Questions. The idea of quality questions is nothing new. Socrates was asking quality questions all the way back in ancient Greece. We have the Socratic method for that very reason.  In more modern times Tony Robbins has been banging on about quality questions for years and rightfully so.  … Read more

The Main Thing

Too many people in business get distracted by unimportant things. The “have you got a minute” meetings, the small problems, the phone, email, office politics on and on it goes, where it stops nobody knows.  They let their time be stolen by activities that do no good. Days, weeks, months and years are lost to … Read more

What business are you REALLY in?

I am sure that looks like the simplest/stupidest question that you might be asked about your business. But bare with me, the question may be more important than first glances might appear.  It seems to me that too many businesses fail (or fail to see opportunities) because of how they see themselves.  Let me explain … Read more

The Strategy of Preeminence

The first time I think I heard the term pre-eminence I was listeinging to some Jay Abraham tapes. This must be some 30 years ago when Nightingale Conant would send you tapes in the mail. Ah youth! For those of you that don’t know Jay is something of a cult hero in the marketing world. … Read more