
From time to time we all get overwhelmed. In this episode, we discuss some quick tips on how to quickly cure it and how to manage our state. Enjoy!

I don’t normally do book type episodes, but I would try this as an experiment. This is not just me reading from the book but my slant on how you apply the agreements and what they really mean. Enjoy!

Hey we all want to be more productive because we often get distracted by things that move us away from what we really should be doing. If that is not the case well we often spend too much of our best energy trying to figure out what we should be doing or what comes next. In this episode, we discuss a simple 4 step process that allows us to every day hit the ground running and totally crush our day. Enjoy!

There is an idea that you can have anything that you want if you help enough people get what they want. There is another idea that says you don’t need millions of followers or fans to make it in the world today. In this episode, we discuss both ideas. Enjoy!
Have you ever noticed that there are two types of people, those who do something with the expectation of getting something back, those who do something just because it is the right thing to do. In this episode, we talk about the strategy of Pre-Eminence. That is the idea of turning up in advance of getting something back, of being the protector of those around you, just because of who you are and not what it will do for you. This is normally a term associated with business, but it has implications far beyond you and your customers. Enjoy!
We were never really taught in school how to learn, we were taught what to learn, but not how. Most of us don’t have faith in our ability to learn so we often don’t try the things we should for fear of failure. We lack confidence in our ability to learn. In this episode, we talk about that, and a process to ensure you have the ability to learn and believe you can learn as and when you need to. Enjoy!
Over the years I have noticed 4 distinct personalities when it comes to how they show up in the world. In this episode, we look at each of them and look at ways that we all can show up better in the world. Enjoy!
Three useful strategies that make seeing and being in the world that little bit easier. These ideas were not big enough for an episode all of their own, but are nonetheless useful. Enjoy!
The world can be a troublesome place. We only have to look around to see there are things that are not right. So we are naturally inclined to want to fix them. Often we try and fix things that are either our level of competency or out of our control. In this episode, I suggest an alternative. Enjoy!
I think too many of us have a quiet disdain for off the cuff remarks and bite-sized chunks of wisdom. Because often they don’t have the gravity of a well thought out response. That said, there is a lot of value that can be gained or garnered from these and other mediums of expressed thought. In this episode, we discuss this and a few other ideas. I also provide you with some quotes and poems that have changed the course of my life and may do the same for you. Enjoy!
In life, we often force ourselves to play games that are finite. Games that are either won or lost. Games that leave us victorious or at a loss. There are other games that we can play where we play for the sake of the game, for the enjoyment of playing it. These games make us better for having played them. In this episode, we talk about turning the game of life from a finite to an infinite game, a game that you play for the joy of playing it. So in that sense, you win by playing. Enjoy!

There is a simple formula for success that we outline in this episode. The thing is so few people a) follow it or b) sabotage themselves along the way. So we take a look at two ideas that run as an antidote to this and provide strategies to arm yourself against this silent killer of dreams. Enjoy! the article mentioned in this episode. 

Over a lifetime we are confronted by a barrage of advice, some good, some bad, some well-meaning, some not. In this episode, we discuss just how to become superhuman at taking advice. More importantly what frame we should be in order to receive it. The do’s and don’t of advice receiving. Enjoy! the article mentioned in this episode. 

We have all heard the expression your network is your network, but there are additional benefits to surrounding yourself with quality people. In this episode, we discuss that and more. Enjoy
Everyone in life has moments of impact. Events that if you perform well can change your life for the better. Most people think that during these moments they will step up and perform their best. Often this is not the case. In this episode, we talk about this idea and what you should do to get ready for these moments of impact. Enjoy!
Most people don’t have a productivity system. If they do, by and large, they suck. In this episode, we talk about a simple system that works like gangbusters. It works because of its simplicity. It takes minutes to implement and can save you from a lifetime of unproductive work. Enjoy!
Have you ever wanted to develop bulletproof confidence? That is, confidence that will survive through any and all situations? I guess we all have. In this episode, we discuss a simple repeatable process that we need to go through in order to develop that type of confidence. That keeps levelling us and our confidence up and up. Enjoy!
Have you ever been dead wrong about something? Have you been blinded to something that could have been good for you by the way you filter the world? In this episode, we talk about how I was dead wrong about a book that I read a long time ago. How one of the lessons from that book can be a useful antidote to the world as is, how it can shield you from the everyday happenings of being a human. How you can use it as a weapon to disarm the fiercest foe, in life and in business. There is also a challenge for us all. Enjoy!

Everything is a risk. If you don’t take risks, you might lose what you could have gained. If you do take risks, you might lose what you already have. There is an upside and downside potential to every risk and decision that we take. In this episode, we discuss which risks you should be taking. How to evaluate risks. How to think more accurately about the risks you take. Enjoy!


There are actions that we take that move us forward and there are actions that we take that just keep us busy. In this episode, we discuss some ideas that make us understand the difference, as well as provide tactics and told to ensure that we only focus our time or amplify the ones that move us forward and minimise or eliminate those that don’t. Enjoy!


There are dangers to staying in a fixed mindset. There are strategies that will ensure that you don’t. In this episode, we talk about some of those strategies. We look at a simple hierarchy that feeds down to make day-to-day growth more manageable for us. More importantly, we will keep at it and get to enjoy the fruits of our labours. Enjoy!


There are times in our lives when we need to turn up as the best version of ourselves. These are the moments that make or break our destiny. The moments when our future success or failure are created. Now imagine always being able to turn up as the very best version of yourself. Your superhero self. In this episode, we talk about ways to do just that. Enjoy!

The world is an ever changing place. Skills once valuable are likely to change. With the rise of Robots, AI, Self Driving Cars and other exponential technologies, our ever-changing value in the marketplace may rapidly diminish. So what can we do to offset that change? What skills can we acquire so we can be ahead of the curve? This episode suggests a few ideas and insights. Enjoy!
In this episode we discuss the state of the world as it is right now. We come up with some different ways to look at it and offer a challenge on what you should be doing in this difficult time. Enjoy!
Most people get the Law of Attraction WRONG. They think that they are magically going to manifest what they want out of thin air. That is just no the case. That said there is a way to train your mind to present you with opportunities to get that thing you want, it’s called the RAS. In this episode we discuss that idea and how it relates to a very famous quote by Goethe. If you understand both ideas it might just start to throw opportunities that you never dreamed possible. Enjoy!
Have you ever noticed that so many conversations with new people are just so unmemorable. The sort of ones where they start “Who are you and what do you do?” Yikes! But that is how it is for most of us. Also have you ever noticed that you (or other people) can only be a little bit “out there” before they are too weird for us to take? Well this episode addresses both subjects and an awful lot more. Enjoy.

In this quick episode, I discuss what I am thinking on my birthday. How they can be used to assess the past year the successes and failures. How they should be used as a springboard to bigger and better things. And how they should remind us to be grateful of being loved and why the people around you are the most important thing in life. Enjoy. 

Want to be entrepreneurial but don’t have a business idea? Would you like to have a method to create a stream of business ideas at will? In this episode we discuss just that. How you can put on your money goggles and see new opportunities that are ready for you to take advantage of. Enjoy!
Have you ever had a project, skill, hobby, talent that you wanted to develop, but kept putting off? Often we know we should be doing things that we just cant start. This leaves us stuck or unable to progress and grow. Leading to frustration and stagnancy. In this episode we discuss a concept called the 4 C’s, that is an antidote to procrastination and gives a cure to develop confidence. Enjoy!
What happens when all the things in your life start to slide? You know when the things that you are meant to be doing are not getting done? When that little part of your brains, your little voice says “Don’t worry we can do that tomorrow”. You do that for a day, a week, a month or longer and the things that you are working towards start to slip further away. In this episode I discuss this with some ideas about how we can course correct. Enjoy!
Have you ever wondered why sometimes it is better to do nothing than something. There is a scene in one of the original Jason Bourne books where his men gather around Bourne and allow him to sleep. We discuss this and other ideas as they relate to performance, rest and being at optimal. Enjoy.
There are times when only perfection will do, because unless we make it that way we will have a cascade of problems or it may hurt us in the future. There are other times when it is better to just begin something and to learn along the way. In this episode we talk about those ideas. Enjoy!
Thoughts have gravity they attract to it similar thoughts. These thoughts can spiral you up or down. In this episode we discuss this idea. How thoughts can raise you to the highest peaks or lead you to the depth of despair or worse. Enjoy!

Have you ever noticed just how much work you get done when you really, really have to? You know those last couple of hours on a Friday before your holiday? Have you ever thought how much work you could get done if you could duplicate that experience? In this episode we discuss this idea and a few other hacks to make that an every day experience. Enjoy!


We all know about sowing and reaping, but too many people fail to achieve what they should because of the Gap. They stop to early or they don’t understand why they are reaping. In this episode we discuss this idea. Enjoy!

Have you ever wanted to be able to tell a great story? Did you know the person with the best stories wins the game of life? In this episode we talk about these ideas. Enjoy!

In this episode we cover the rules 21-40 and we also give you our slant on them. Enjoy.

If you have been anywhere on the internet for the last couple of years you will have bound to have seen Jordan Peterson the Canadian Psychologist and public intellectual appearing in your news feed. From the infamous conversation with Cathy Newman, his opposition to bill C16 and his public debates and talks. If you have been to any book store you would have also seen copies of his book 12 rules for life which has sold 3 million copies world wide and topped the best seller lists across the world. What most people may not know is that those 12 rules were part of a list of 40. In this episode I discuss the first 20 of those ideas and I give my opinion on what I think about those rules. Enjoy.

We all worry about failure. The very word sends tremors through most of us. The fear of it failure stops many of us from even starting. In this episode we discuss all these ideas and some strategies for getting past them. Enjoy!

Know your enemy, and know yourself. It”s often easier to figure out the other guy than it is to get a handle on exactly who we are. In this episode we discuss this idea and give a few practical ideas on how we can go about identifying how we are in the world. Enjoy!

Have you ever tried to adopt a new habit or plan for improvement? Have you seen it fail due to lack of determination or will power? In this episode we discuss why that happens and why it is not your fault. We all so discuss some sneaky solutions so you don’t require any of that.

There is a quote that says the person you will be five years from now will depend on the people you meet and the books you read. In this episode we talk about that idea, and how you can surround yourself with people who are going to help you reach your goals for the future.

From time to time we all get confronted by the big questions… Why am I here? What is my purpose? etc. In order to answer that we can either spend time in contemplation or turn to those who have taken a stab at answering those questions for you. In today’s episode we talk about philosophy and why having one that is personal to you might just give you a leg up in life.

Have you ever shot the messenger? Why is it that we are so bad at dealing with truth. Why are people afraid to tell others the truth? What can we do about it? We are getting worse at being able to deal with truth in fact there is a whole movement trying to create safe spaces and want us to provide trigger warning in advance of being offended. When we should actively be seeking out ideas or truth that allows us to make better decisions. In this episode we discuss that idea.

We all face grief from time to time. A loss of a loved one, a relationship, a pet, a job, a business or a thing. We all feel loss and it can be hard to deal with. In this episode we talk about a strategy to minimize the effects of the grief that we face.methods to do just that. Enjoy!

If you are anything like me you can find a hundred reasons to procrastinate. In fact if there was a world championship for natural procrastinators I am sure I could do my country proud. Over the years in order to be productive I have had to overcome that natural compulsion… In this episode I discuss one of my favorite methods to do just that. Enjoy!

Wisdom is all around us often hiding right in front of us. I use one of my favorite films to show just how true that is. We also discuss cures for procrastination, taking a stand for yourself, the pointlessness of complaining and a few other things. I hope you enjoy it.

The person you will be five years from now will be dependent on the quality of people you meet and the quality of books you read and the things you learn. In this episode, we talk about how to save time, effort, mistakes and money by only reading/learning from quality, not quantity.

The law of attraction does not work no matter how positive you are or how much you dream of fortune and glory. Because of who and how we are we repel or stop the good things coming to us. In this episode we discuss a psychological tool that may help rectify that (I say may because, well you’ll see in the episode.) Enjoy!

Have you ever thought that do what you love might not be the whole picture. There are plenty of broke artists doing what they love. In this episode we talk about a formula for happiness that comes from Japan. It’s called Ikigai and it fills in the blanks of what may be missing for you.

In this episode we talk about “The Bad Guy, The Good Guy & The Victim”. What makes each person and how each person sees themselves. We also discuss the single thing that defines who is who.

What is the point of learning anything if you cant remember it. All the insights in the world are for nothing if you can’t remember them. In this episode we start the journey into the wider world of developing a “trained” memory. If you can remember a lamppost, a swan and a pair of boobs you can remember just about anything. We show you how.

If a person worth the equivalent of $300 Billion gave you some advice it might be worth taking. In this episode we discuss just such a thing. One of the worlds most successful people sets out 3 rules for success and he breaks down those rules into easy bite sized ideas. Enjoy.

Have you ever thought about your body and its “factory settings” are? Do you put up with a body and mind that is not really operating at peak? You know it is meant to right? In this episode we discuss these ideas and offer some insights as to rectifying them if they are not.

Each decision we make sends us down a fork in the road of our future. If we make a good decision our future improves if we make a bad one our future gets worse. Sometimes we don’t know which is which. In this episode we show you a 4 step strategy to always make the right decision for you. This strategy also allows you to draw yourself towards your most desirable future. Enjoy.

How would you like to move through the world with cat like grace? How would you like to wake up each morning with your skin and organs tingling with energy? How would you like to be rid of all of those aches and pains? In this episode we discuss a process that may well enable you to do just that. Enjoy!

Have you ever thought that happiness might better not be left to chance? We all think that we are either happy or not happy, that what happens day to day might be what makes us happy or not. Maybe that is not the case maybe you we can make happiness a skill that we become better at over time. In this episode we discuss that idea, plus some things that we can do that are more than likely to increase our happiness.

Have you ever wondered how you can raise your consciousness? Or have you believed that it is fixed as is? In this episode we talk about the 4 levels of consciousness, how reality is not as fixed as you might think, we touch on simulated universe theory and much more….

Have you ever considered just how hard it is to get a world class mentor? I mean how easy would life be if you had Elon Musk, Richard Brason or Anthony Robbins as your mentor? The problem is that the chance of getting one of these guys or any other world class person to guide you and give you advice is practically zero. In this episode we give you a sneaky alternative first advised by Napoleon Hill in his classic book “Think and Grow Rich”. This alternative will allow you to ask these guys questions and get them to give you solutions to your most pressing problems or obstacles that you are facing.

Some people never have a good idea, some people have many, some rely just on one. Because of this often they do nothing with it because if the idea does not work out they are left without hope. In this episode we provide a strategy to turn yourself into an idea generation machine.

Have you ever wondered what the education system kept back from your education and why? In this episode we discuss 12 vital areas that education should have taught you but didn’t. We also give some quick fixes for those holes.

There are 11 judgements people make about you on first meeting. We should not judge a book by its cover, but we do. In this episode we discuss how to present yourself in a way that makes a great first impression and how you can hack high status.

In this episode we talk about how life can slip by you unless you have a plan. We also talk about why you should never delay your plans.

Have you ever wanted a surefire method to motivate, move or persuade someone? In this episode we show you three sneaky strategies to make sure that you message is seen but more importantly acted upon. These work when you want to present a sales message or even to convince someone over to your way of thinking. Enjoy!

Have you ever wondered why some people have the whole world and are still not happy? In this episode we talk about to ensure that no matter what destination you arrive at you are on top of the world.

Have you ever wondered why everyone thinks they are owed something? Have you ever held a grudge against someone who has done you wrong? In this episode we talk about the antidote to both ideas.

Can a book really change your life? Most can’t no matter what the author claims. In this episode we discuss some books that actually can.

What is the secret to always having a great day? In this episode we seek an answer to that. We also reveal how MAGIC WAVES might be the answer. If you want to ensure that you will forever start and finish the day well. This episode is for you.

How do you get exposed to insights that can and will change your life? It is all very well thinking that you need and want to change your life, but how do you put yourself in the way of ideas and insights that can make that possible. In this episode we discuss that idea.

Have you ever tried to figure out what you were put on the planet to do? Have you ever worried that you have nothing you are passionate about? Have you ever heard the idea of find your passion or follow your purpose? If you don’t know what your passion or purpose then this episode is for you. We lay out a formula for you to be able to discover your passions and find your purpose.

In this episode, we discuss the idea of perfectionism and how it keeps us stuck. We also provide an antidote to it so we can move forward and make some real progress.

In this episode, we talk about what the elite private schools teach that creates leaders. Why most schooling is designed not to educate but robotize its students. It also teaches the 14 secrets that you can use to deprogram yourself

In this episode we start with an awful pun, but then provide a strategy to learn anything in double quick time. We give an example for anyone who wants to start a business who wants to hit the ground running, and cut out years of trial and error and learning on the job. Also the 4 questions you should have in your mental arsenal to be able to have an interesting conversation with anyone you meet or admire.

In this episode we talk about how the definition of insanity can be wrong. We talk about window time, and we complete our formula.

In this episode we talk putting your message in the right place. The right message is no good if it never gets seen or heard. So we come up with a plan to fix that.

In this episode we talk about figuring out who is the right person for your message. How we can save a lot of time and money, by making sure we know who that is.

In this episode we talk about how to craft the perfect message for your audience. HINT: The right message does not tell people how great YOU are.

In this episode we talk about the principle of lead flow and how that can be useful in all areas of life, even if you are looking for that special someone. Most people looking for a customer or a romantic partner think tactically. This episode talks how to think strategically about it.

In this episode we talk about why the game of life is unwinnable for most people. We talk about the fabled Kobayashi Maru from Star Trek (The unwinnable game). And A Three step strategy that will allow us to win the game of life. 

In the last episode we talked about areas of life to track. In today’s episode we throw out a few ideas on things to look at in your business.


In the last episode, we talked about testing. In this one, we look at what to track. Specifically in this episode, we talk about the 10 areas of life that we can look at to make sure we are living well


In this episode we address the idea of being able to know if our thinking or processes are helping or hurting us. We also learn a process to quickly adopt new ideas and insights and be able to see if they are worth keeping. We also discuss the power of big and small insights.

In this episode, we give models for what a great human looks like and what a great business looks like. Often it’s really hard to know what we should be aiming for because we have no reference point. In this episode, we give a description for both and a breakdown of why we think they are important.

In this episode, we give models for what a great human looks like and what a great business looks like. Often it’s really hard to know what we should be aiming for because we have no reference point. In this episode, we give a description for both and a breakdown of why we think they are important.

In this episode we discuss the cure to all ills. The idea that will get you past any object, and allow providence to come to your aid. The thing that will allow you to move with certainty towards any outcome.

In this episode we talk about the idea of you being on your own and why that is a good thing. We also complete the journey formula. Showing you how to get from A to B.

In this episode we talk about the 2nd part of the journey equation. How vision is often overlooked or dismissed as an idea, and why it should not be. How to harness its power to draw you and others towards a magnificent destiny.

We all lie to ourselves often without knowing it. Because we don’t know we are doing it, it hurts us. Clarity is the first step to solving that, but more importantly it allows us to assess if we are improving (or getting worse.) This episode explores that idea.

In this episode we talk about the idea of wanting more, the obstacles that stand in your way, that getting anything you want come down to knowing just 3 things. How once you know these 3 things you can apply them to any area of your life or business and get what you want.

In this episode we talk about the formula for improvement. The notion that we are never stuck. The power of insight and what we need to do to move forward.

This is just a quick introduction to me and what we are looking to do with this channel. The backstory if you will.