Making Your Vision A Reality

Yeh, Yeh, everyone tells you that you should have a vision. 

Hell, even the Bible tells us…

Without a vision, the people perish.

That is all well and good, but for too many of us a vision is an abstraction an idea put forth by motivational speakers that sounds good in theory, but for many, it is just hot air. 

Ok, I have a vision we say, but now what.

Well, there is another little quote about vision that I like…

A Vision without a plan is a dream!


And there you have it the last thing we need is more wishful thinking. 

Fear not this is leading somewhere. 

Making Our Vision A Reality

In order to take our vision from the abstract into reality, we need to deconstruct it. 

Vision – Goals – Steps – Tasks

 If we were to think about our goal it has to be broken down into smaller pieces to make sense or at least to bring it into reality. After all, a vision does not just appear out of nowhere. You don’t wake up one day and everything you ever wanted has suddenly appeared. Life just does not work that way. 

No, there are milestones along the way. We will use that to our advantage. 

Vision – Goals

 Using that idea we will Reverse Engineer the stepping stones or major milestones to us hitting our final vision. We do this by asking ourselves… What would be the last big goal I would reach before finally fulfilling my vision? Once we have that we ask… What would the milestone or goal preceding that be. Then we follow that process all the way back to where you are now. 

Goals to Steps

Now you have the first goal that you need to reach. However, that goal will often have multiple things that need to take place in order to reach it. So we take each goal and break it down to component steps.

Prioritise The Steps

We need to then prioritise those steps into a logical sequence. 

Steps to Tasks

Next, we take each step and list individual actions that are needed to complete that step.

Again we Prioritise the tasks.

How Who When

Once we have all that done we need to Figure out the following…

How will it be done?

Who will do it?

When will it be completed?

We then gain agreement by the person responsible or ourselves that it will be completed how it needs to be completed and by when it will be completed. 

Sometimes we will not have the skills required to complete tasks… I will explain how to get those skills in a forthcoming article. 

For now, that’s it you have a process to take a vision and make it real. 

I have a much more powerful version that almost guarantees that our vision becomes real. You can find a bit more about that HERE.