How To Find Superstar Employees

Not all employees are created equally…

But we knew that right?

Employees come in all shapes and size some good, some bad, some awesome. 

The thing is for most businesses it is a lottery, if you get lucky you get a good one, if you get unlucky then them’s the breaks.

The thing is I like to see it a little bit differently. To me, there are three distinct types of employees. 

The 3 types of employees.

  1. There are the every day employees
  2. Then there are the superstars.
  3. There are the extraordinary ordinaries.

Every Day – Well we all know what they are. They turn up do enough to not get fired and go home. They never go out of their way to make a difference they are there for the paycheck nothing more. These for the most part make up the majority of all people in the workplace. 

The Superstars – Are the super-high performers (often in sales roles). They do more, they produce a disproportionate amount of work (sales etc). They often do this by a huge factor. Finding a superstar is like catching lightning in a bottle. 

The Extraordinary Ordinaries – They are not as flamboyant as the Superstar, but they are the ones that more than fill their place.  They methodically look to make everything better and take pride in what they do. No task is too much, they can take what you offer and give more back in return. They are the ones you can ALWAYS rely on to get things that need doing done. 

Ok so that’s what they look like. Now we need a way to find these (or weed our these folk)

Finding Superstars – You need to test for two things.

    1. High Self Esteem – Superstars have super high self-esteem (sometimes ego) and need to be managed.

    2. High Empathy/EQ (In order to offset what could be arrogance they have really high empathy or  Emotional Intelligence. If they don’t have the 2nd to balance the first they can be monsters. So beware. 

Finding Extraordinary Ordinaries – Test for…

    1. Super High Conscientiousness – You must make sure that they always cross all the T’s and dot all the I’s and are looking to supply you with more T’s and more I’s. They need to be systematic and consistent. Usually, EO’s will have a calm rational temperament and tend to be very agreeable, but not a pushover. 

Finding Every Day’s – Don’t find them. Get rid of or have a process so you never hire every day employees. I will talk about the Russian Doll Theory of hiring at a later date. For now, do what you can to rid yourself of mediocre employees. They waste more time, more energy and more money. More importantly, they take up the space of an employee who can radically improve your business. 

Ok so that’s the three types… 

How do you filter to find the 3 kinds of employees?

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