Ep #45 Wisdom Hiding In Plain Sight!

Wisdom is all around us often hiding right in front of us. I use one of my favorite films to show just how true that is. We also discuss cures for procrastination, taking a stand for yourself, the pointlessness of complaining and a few other things. I hope you enjoy it.

Ep #44 What You Should Read/Learn

The person you will be five years from now will be dependent on the quality of people you meet and the quality of books you read and the things you learn. In this episode, we talk about how to save time, effort, mistakes and money by only reading/learning from quality, not quantity.

Ep #43 Abundance & The Lack Net

Rapid Growth Life & Business Podcast

The law of attraction does not work no matter how positive you are or how much you dream of fortune and glory. Because of who and how we are we repel of stop the good things coming to us. In this episode we discuss a psychological tool that may help rectify that (I say may … Read more

Ep #42 The Japanese Formula For Happiness

Rapid Growth Life & Business Podcast

Have you ever thought that do what you love might not be the whole picture. There are plenty of broke artists doing what they love. In this episode we talk about a formula for happiness that comes from Japan. It’s called Ikigai and it fills in the blanks of what may be missing for you.

Ep #40 Never Forget A Thing (Ever Again)

Rapid Growth Life & Business Podcast

What is the point of learning anything if you cant remember it. All the insights in the world are for nothing if you can’t remember them. In this episode we start the journey into the wider world of developing a “trained” memory. If you can remember a lamppost, a swan and a pair of boobs … Read more

Ep #39 $300 Billion Worth Of Wisdom

Rapid Growth Life & Business Podcast

If a person worth the equivalent of $300 Billion gave you some advice it might be worth taking. In this episode we discuss just such a thing. One of the worlds most successful people sets out 3 rules for success and he breaks down those rules into easy bite sized ideas. Enjoy.

Ep #38 Pain Free Body, Bug Free Mind!

Rapid Growth Life & Business Podcast

Have you ever thought about your body and its “factory settings” are? Do you put up with a body and mind that is not really operating at peak? You know it is meant to right? In this episode we discuss these ideas and offer some insights as to rectifying them if they are not.

Ep #36 Dry Washing & Circles

Rapid Growth Life & Business Podcast

How would you like to move through the world with cat like grace? How would you like to wake up each morning with your skin and organs tingling with energy? How would you like to be rid of all of those aches and pains? In this episode we discuss a process that may well enable … Read more