
Hmm what to say…

I always find it interesting the idea of telling you about me. Who I am. What I stand for. These things always make the person saying them sound oh so self-important.

So I will be brief this is me….

Yep gorgeous I know.

So what should I say about me? This sounds like a dating profile. Ok, let’s keep this brief. I have been analyzing what makes businesses great for 30 years and been showing business owners and entrepreneurs how to make theirs great for over 20.

I am a two time best selling author. (And some that did not do so well.)

I have a podcast….

Hmm what else should you know….

Well, I like to think of myself as an all-around good guy. I’m rational, opinionated, and fun to be with.

I have a genius for simplification and explanation.

I’m and ENTP (The Visionary/Debator) I see the future and can argue all the way there. Especially if I know I correct and certain.

Oh and finally. I have always believed that business owners entrepreneurs & founders are heroes. I know that is not popular to say these days, but I really don’t care.

They are heroes because they are risk-takers and doers. They are the people who move the world forward. That makes them heroes to me.

That is why I have devoted half my life to making that a little bit easier for them.


P.s. Snowy is not my real name but I have been called that for so many years now I barely use my other. If we ever get to speak ask me about it. Use the code word Jumper!