The Secret To Rapid Business Growth

This is an island in South-East Asia. I sometimes hang out here months at a time. More importantly, believe it or not, it is the single biggest secret to rapid business success. And I can prove it! More on that shortly…

Contained in what follows is the secret to seriously winning the game of business, to proving to yourself and others just how awesome you really are. To having all the money, time and freedom that you ever dreamed of. This secret will jump out at you as an Aha. When you see it stop and sit with it for a second. Then continue onward into a wider and brighter world. This is a bold claim I know, but what follows will prove it.

Let me ask you a question… Do you know why most businesses fail to reach their full potential?

And actually for that matter why most businesses fail?

It’s intriguing, right? Because we know, oh so many do. They die before they really bear fruit.

Why do they die? Why do they fail to survive long enough?

One answer could be this…

Before they learn the Essential Business Lessons you run out of time. Too many problems, not enough time to solve them.

They never have the time to make the fundamental shifts. Shifts that are essential for your long term success. One shift, for example, is the shift from tactical to strategic thinking. It is essential most never get there.

Yet there is a simple combination of insights that forces that particular shift with clockwork-like consistency.

In this case, it takes the business owner, controller or entrepreneur from fighting fires. Dealing with daily problems and headaches.  Worrying about where your business is going to be a week, a month, or a year from now. Into rapid growth, smothered in fortune and glory.

For most, they never make it long enough to make that shift.  You never get to Big Picture thinking. Where success, freedom, and that fortune and glory is all but guaranteed for you.  

I have been analysing what makes a business great for nearly 30 years. I’ve spent over 20 years helping businesses make shifts and fix themselves.

I’ve been submerged by invitation, into thousands of businesses. In hundreds of separate industries. Helping Business Owners take their struggling businesses into the stratosphere.

Not just the businesses.  Business owners, managers and entrepreneurs transform and rapidly upgrade themselves.

Upgrade and improve their thinking, performance, status and output time and time again. Taking people just like you on a journey, from struggling day-to-day. To stability. To arriving where you definitely ought to be in double-quick time.

Hell, I have had two Amazon best sellers explaining some of the ways to do just that.

The thing is I never wanted to be the go-to guy for those who wanted more. I was always happy sitting in the background, minding my own business and my own businesses. Winning the game.

But you know how it is! If you have a particular sort of skill set, then smart people knock down your door.

When what you show them, works for them.  They tell other people and before you know it, you become a reluctant secret weapon for a chosen few.

When they actually see what is possible for themselves and their business they do whatever it takes to ensure they get it.

The thing is there’s a catch. There always is right?

I can rub some people the wrong way.

 I believe in radical honesty. I am hyper logical. Oh and let me tell you how much I won’t let go of a bone when I know I am right. For some people I am annoying and to be honest, I am deliberately so. I do this to try and keep the idiots away.

Some people prefer B.S to the truth. They want trigger warnings and safe spaces. They want to be told that their feelings rather than facts are more important. They want to be told it is all alright when it is not.  

They want their ego’s massaged and caressed and I am not the guy for that.

Cold hard truth that works. That is where I am at.

If you don’t like the truth. You should stop here.

But if you like me (and the people who I have helped) know, that business could and should be great. It should be awesome.

That business when done well can be glorious. That it can give you everything, that you ever want and for that matter deserve. Then you should read on.

Because, as I say most businesses struggle. The failure rates for them and the owners of them are staggering. We all know it.

Let me tell you something with a caveat…

I have no real way to prove what I say next so take it with a pinch of salt.

If I had to guess at the single biggest cause of business failure. It is that as I have said they don’t make a transition from tactical to strategic thinking.

You never get out of having to solve the next problem. Dealing with the next crisis.  Worrying about the countless things that you are faced with. In the day-to-day running of your business.

Will I make payroll? Where is that next customer coming from? Why can’t I get good staff? Why is my supplier letting me down? Why do I never have any time? Will I look like an idiot when it all comes crashing to the ground?

Problem after endless problem.

They forever have the feeling that it is all going to go wrong and somehow you will be found out.  Found wanting. It is not their fault because that is how it is for most businesses.

They are all singing from the same hymn book. You all get taught the same rules of the game. Unfortunately, those hymns are off-key and the rule book is dead wrong.

Fortunately, like I say there is a simple way to make that transition. A certain type of thinking that when followed forces that shift. It is a let’s call it a magic combination of insights that force this transition.

If you want to find out more about making that shift, about getting to where you really should be, and taking yourself and your business to the next level then…

Join me on the Next Page.