Dune & The Business Backpack

I am excited to see Denis Villeneuve’s new film created around Frank Herbert’s Dune book. More importantly, you should be too. Why?

There are very few books that “Everyone should read”, the fact of the matter it annoys me anytime I hear someone say “Everyone should” anything. We are all so unique and different, so there are very few “universals” that are good for all of us. 

That said, there is one thing that makes us, all the same, it is that we are human. We, for the most part, have the same hardware and many of the same programs running. 

Dune encompasses many of these themes and a hell of a lot more…

Want the best bit of wisdom I ever learned about education and learning. It came from Dune. 

Want to learn about, leadership? Dune!

Want to learn about Vision? You got it Dune!

So why am I telling you this? Because there is so much business wisdom in Dune also. 

We are interesting creatures us, Humans. Often we learn lessons better from stories than dry academic tomes. 

Often the wisdom we seek is better delivered to us in the form of stories. You want to learn about leadership you should certainly read “The Godfather” by Mario Puzo for a start. Notice I said book NOT movie. In the book, you get explanations as to why things are done not just them being done. The book is far more sophisticated than the film. And no, it won’t turn you into a mafia boss.

Anyway, I digress, back to Dune. 

The Dune universe is centred around a desert planet called Arrakis (sometimes called Dune hence the name). On the planet is the most valuable substance in the universe. A thing that has all sorts of magical properties including making space travel possible. Waring families compete for control of this resource.  On this planet, there are native people called Fremen. They are adapted to thriving in the desert. They have a mission. 

Ok, that’s all we need for now for the sake of this article. If you want more read the book (and the 5 others in the original series, hell read all of the further books written by Frank Herberts son).

It is to a different book I now turn the almost impossible to find “The Dune Encyclopedia” in it, there is a section on the aforementioned “Fremen” and their education. 

In this rarest of books. This question is put forth…

Challenge: “What does one take into the desert?” 

Answer: “Everything that is necessary and nothing else.”

I want you to think about that for a second.

That one idea has changed the way I think about oh so many things…

While we both dwell on that I want to tell you about my backpack, and about “Travelling Light”.

There are two types of travellers Professionals and Amateurs. 

Amateurs throw everything into their suitcase just in case they might need it. 

Professionals pack everything they need and nothing else knowing that they will have to carry the extra weight. 

Think on that for a second…

Your Business Backpack

In your business, there are everything you need things, actions, processes, systems, strategies and tactics. These are the REAL things that take you towards your vision.

These are the things that should be your focus. Only the very essential things that you really need to get you to where you are going. I discuss these more in our (paid) Newsletter.

Then there are the “just in case” items that you carry around with you. That you need to dump. 

There are the things that weigh you down and get you nothing. If you think about it for a second there are dozens of these. 

Instead, you need to fill your backpack with “Nothing else” items. 

    No distractions

    Good decisions



Items that weight nothing but give you everything. 

Trim The Fat

If you look at your business you know where the fat lies, the things that can be put to one side or let go of completely. They are simply all the things that take your energy and give you nothing. 

Unload them, trim the fat. Only keep in it that which you need. 

The backpack as a metaphor for your business. 

Try thinking about your business as a backpack. If you do you will realise a few important things.

  1. You need to look after it and keep it in good condition (or your valuables might fall out.)
  2. Keep it safe or someone might damage or steal what’s important. 
  3. Empty what is no longer useful (don’t carry dead weight). This could be anything, from people, plans, policies, procedures or products. Get rid of the things you no longer need or no longer work. Don’t let the dreck accumulate in the bottom. 
  4. Change contents as environments change (you pack differently for different places and different seasons. That is how it is in business, as the marketplace changes. Remember to make sure you don’t just keep using the same gear that is not appropriate for the environment you are in).
  5. And here is the hardest one of all, if it no longer works get rid of your backpack and replace it with one that does. 

A great business like a great backpack carries everything you need. If you are smart it will carry nothing else. Then when you face your personal desert planet you will always be equipped for the job at hand and not weighed down by things that will not serve you. 

Now go read Dune!

If you would like to find out more about the B.E.A.S.T process you might like to start HERE.