How To ALWAYS Make A Great Business Decision

Doing well in business is about making good decisions in a timely manner. There are obviously two parts to that. 

  1. Good decisions 
  2. A timely manner

Make a bad decision it costs you!

Delay a decision it may cost you!

The thing is sometimes we sit too long on a decision, because we KNOW it may cost us, and  for that very reason it might cost us because we took too long about it. It’s a catch 22. 

So what are we to do, well obviously we need to be able to make fast decisions, yes! But we also need to be able to make decisions that we can live with if they don’t turn out the way we expect. (There as the Bard tells us lies the rub!) 

You see no-one makes 100% correct decisions, we all know how to make God laugh right?

So we need as I have said we need to make the best decision we can in the moment and be happy with it. That is to say, one that we won’t second guess in retrospect. 

Here is how to always make a great decision fast and be able to live with it.

Step 1. Sit in a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed. Now go into your imagination and picture or feel a time in the future when everything in your business is perfect. There are no problems and everything has worked out perfectly for you (your vision will help with this). 

Step 2. Now you need to ask yourself (into this place) will this decision get me closer or further from this place. You will get an answer (sometimes in the form of a feeling).

Step 3. Trust this answer. It is normally right. Either way, You will be happy with the decision because the decision comes from the right place.

The more you use this process the better you will get at it and the more you will trust the answers you receive. We almost always know the right thing to do when we aks ourselves in the right state. This gets you there. 

On a side note, this process can be used for any decisions, not just business ones. In fact, I suggest that is where you start.  Use it first on small inconsequential decisions to exercise the muscle before you need it for the big decisions. That way when the time comes you will have more trust in the process, you will be happy with the answers you get and you won’t second guess yourself. 

If you do practice this regularly and often the more you will become a decision-making powerhouse. The more great decisions you make with speed the faster you will achieve your goals, dreams, vision. 

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