The Most Powerful Marketing Strategy known to Man (or Woman)

No matter what the naysayers say… There is one marketing strategy more powerful than any other. 

It stands Head and Shoulders above them all. It picks up the others by the scruff of their necks and beats them around the head with a wet kipper. I kid you not, it is that powerful!!!

So what is this miracle strategy I hear you ask? Well hang in there and I will tell you.

The strategy is called…

An Endorsed Recommendation to A Champion Circle of Influence.

Yes, I know, it is a hell of a mouthful, but don’t let that put you off. As I have said this strategy works like gangbusters. 

Ok, so that is enough of the hyperbole! 

This is how it works…

You find someone with a fantastic relationship with a group of people (their customers). 

Notice that I said fantastic, not mediocre or OK relationship, the word we are looking for is fantastic. We are looking for a leader, a person who is liked, trusted and respected by all and sundry. We might call them an influencer, but the good kind.

Once you find such a person…

You get them to Recommend You to Their audience. (That is the Champion Circle part if you are wondering).

That’s the “What” 

This is why it works…

If I tell you I am amazing, you may or may not believe me. No, really I am amazing, no really I am, I am probably better than anyone, no really I am. Do you believe me yet? 

Maybe you do, maybe you don’t!


If someone you really admire, respect and trust tells you I am amazing you are probably going to take their word. 

There is this guy I know he has one the sharpest business minds I know of and gold literally drips from his tongue every time he speaks. You should listen to what he says. He has made me a fortune. He might do the same for you! 

Which sounds better?

OK, I polished up the second one but, you can see what I mean. 

When people we like trust and respect make a recommendation to us we take heed. It is why celebrity endorsements work so well. The thing is it does not have to be a celebrity who does this. It works even better with people who are admired or trusted by us. 

Just a quick example if your lawyer (solicitor) or accountant told you to speak to some guy you’d listen right?

I actually set up a deal with an accountant and a solicitor who worked next to each other once. They each endorsed each other to their clients and each made a ton of money. They had been working next to each other for years before I came along. But hey that’s a story for another day. 

So the question of the day…

Who do you know who has a champion circle to recommend you to?

Oh if you like that idea you should probably go HERE next!