The 2nd Best Sales Formula

Ok, it is time for another sales formula, I mean who doesn’t love a good sales formula. Am I right 🙂

I’ve mentioned before my go-to sales formula is PAS (Problem Amplify Solve), it’s quick and easy and has a load of great psychology to move a sale forward. Good, now we have gotten that out of the way. There is a second sales formula I often use that I am going to tell you about. An extra arrow in your quiver as it were.

 The good news is that the second formula is (almost) equally powerful to the first.

So I guess you are asking if there is a better formula, why would you want to use the 2nd best formula? It’s a reasonable question, but so is the answer…  In certain situations, it works much better than PAS.

That’s the thing with formulas often they are best for a certain situation. Other times let’s say that you need a different tool. 

Ok, enough preamble here is the formula…

The formula has 3 steps.

    1. This is what I’ve got    

    2. This is what it will do for you.

    3. This is what you should do next!

This is what I’ve got– This step is where you describe exactly what your product or service is. All it’s features, all its bells and whistles. You make your product or service as shiny as you can. 

This is what it will do for you – In this step, you describe exactly what it will do for your customer, this is the benefits it will give the desire it will quench, the problem it will solve or the pain it will relieve. You take your customer into the glorious world of life after they have bought what you are offering. 

This is what you should do next – In this step, you describe exactly the next steps you want them to take from there. Legendary marketer Jay Abraham has stated most people secretly desire to be led. So this is the part where you demonstrate authority and lead them down the path in a sequential way to them making the sale. You spell out each action you want them to take until you reach that point. 

That’s it. Simple!

I want you to take something away from this… Yes, the formula is simple but do not underestimate it, because simple it is,  yet it is also so deceptively powerful. Try it for yourself to see your results rapidly improve. 

Ok, the question of the day… how might you use this formula to better sell your product or service?

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