The Russian Doll Theory Of Employees

If you have a business that employs anyone you know that can be a mixed bag. 

On the whole, employees come in all shapes and sizes. Some good, some bad, some downright awful. 

The thing is you have a job needs doing you need someone to do it. 

A vacancy becomes available so you like everyone else, you find someone to fill it. You place an ad, you contact an agency or you search online. 

You try and fill that role as quick as humanly possible. After all the work won’t get done by itself right?

Here is the thing…

The quality of the employee you get will often be in direct proportion to the time you have to fill the role. Let me say that again. The quality of the employee will often be in direct proportion to the time you have to fill the role. 

So a role becomes available and you do your best to find the best person who is available at the time. 

It is often at these times because we need someone we make do. We make do with someone who might not be great or ideal but just about adequate (or worse).

The thing is too many quick hires the quality of employee drops significantly.

A great employee in a position becomes a good employee, becomes a mediocre employee, becomes a dog sh*t employee.

Just like a Russian Doll decreases in size, so does the quality of an employees quality.

So what’s the solution?

You should set aside and invest time every month searching for talent before you need it. You should be interviewing in advance searching for exceptional employees before you need them. Hell if they are that great maybe you should hire them on the spot.

You can also ask your existing great employees if they know anyone of equal quality to themselves that might like to work for the company. No great employee is going to introduce you to someone who is going to reflect badly on them. If not that then there are dozens of other ways of finding great employees. So you should always be on the hunt. 

The point is, have a list in advance of a role becoming available of all the exceptional people who might be available to fill it. Then you won’t be crippled by time constraints to find that one employee to fill a role.  

Don’t let the quality of your employees deteriorate over time. 

Russian Dolls (Matryoshka there I said it) are fine toy but they are no way to go about hiring people. 

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