The Power Of The GAP

All Business glory is found in the GAP all hail the GAP.

The GAP I hear you Say. WTF is the GAP. 

Nope, I am not talking about the clothes store obviously.

The GAP is a very special place. A place that most people don’t like. In fact they often want to get rid of the gap as quick as humanly possible. 

So what exactly is the GAP? Stop beating around the bush!!!!

The GAP is that place that resides between where your customer is and where they want to be. It is that itch that they desperately want to scratch. That problem they really need to solve. That Desire they really want to fulfil. It is the promise of something new, better or more exciting. 

The bigger the GAP,  the more their pain or desire.

The more their pain or desire. The more likely they will look for a solution for that pain or desire. 

Let me let you into a secret…

Many average businesses when they first hear about a customer or clients pain, problem or desire, instantly get to work to try and close the GAP by offering whatever their product or solution is. That is why they stay average.

Great businesses expand the        G      A       P         first!

Can you guess why? Take a moment!

I should really stop writing here, make you answer that yourself, but hey I am feeling generous today so here it is. The greater you increase their pain the more likely they are to buy a solution. Especially if you can get them to the point of pain where they can see no alternative but to solve it. 

The GAP exists in every business if you have not found yours yet look harder. 

If you like this idea and want some other ways of thinking about your business you might like to take a look HERE.