P.A.S The Ultimate Sales Formula

I am often asked what is the best way to craft sales copy. Well, obviously there is no right or wrong answer, different situations require different solutions. 

However, there is one formula that I reach for first because it is so versatile. 

It Works For…

Sales Copy

Sales Letters



Video Sales letters


Arguments (Yep them too)

You name it, it probably works for that too. 

So, what is this miracle formula?


Agitate (Amplify if you prefer)


Ok, so let’s take a look at each in turn. 


This is the point where you state their problem as clearly and as concisely as you can. You are looking to do this better than your prospect can.  The better you can describe their problem (pain or desire) the more your prospect will imbue you with the certainty that you can solve it. The way they see it, the better you describe it the more expertise you have. Go figure!


Once you have accurately described their problem and gained agreement that that is what needs to be solved. It is at this point the amateurs among us try and solve the problem. This is a mistake. The pros among us know that it is at this point we Make the Problem Worse. We do this by describing some of the worst-case scenarios and calamities that will befall them if they don’t solve the problem. We paint a picture of worry and woe so bad that they will do whatever they can to make sure that does not happen. 


 Once the idea of calamity has stewed in their imagination it is at this point the pro steps in to offer them your simple and easy to take solution.  We, if we are good, will make our solution  the only logical and reasonable choice for them as we will describe the perils of not using our solution or delay in using our solution. We lower any barrier to entry they have to make the transaction as simple as possible. 


Here is your problem.

This is what can happen.

This is how you fix it.

It is the contrast between all three that makes this so powerful. They get clarity of where they are, the pain of where they might be, then the possibility of instant relief. 

Don’t underestimate the power of this simple formula. It works like gangbusters. 

Before we go try and come up with an example or two about how you might use it. 

Come up with a scenario about how you might use it in an argument. Try it on a simple sales presentation. Try writing a simple sales letter using it.  

Or for now, figure out what’s a problem you can make worse and then solve?

If you like this idea and are looking for other simple ways to make you and your business great you might like to go take a look HERE