The Real Value of Networking

We have all heard the expression your network is your net-worth, and although it is a cliche well it is that way for a reason. 

The quality of our lives is often interlinked with the qualify of the people around us. People are usually our biggest source of pleasure or our biggest cause of pain. So unless we filter who has access to us then we better beware. 

There is a Bible quote I remember reading that said: “Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.” That quote is from Proverbs 21:9 but that is not the only place you will hear it. Weirdly it puts in an appearance again in proverbs 25:24. Maybe it needed repeating twice! Who knows… 

Anyway, I digress. 

Wives aside quarrelsome or not it should be noted that Life and Work are built on Relationships. The better that they are the happier you will be. 

As well as happiness Relationships create opportunities. Create better relationships, create better opportunities. It is often as simple as that. 

So how do you go about doing it well it’s simple…

Seek out people who have the qualities or skills that you desire. 

Make a list of all the qualities skills and knowledge you think that you will need in order to get where you want to go. Then look for people with those qualities. Then draw them into your life. 

I will write more about drawing in people at a later date for now let me give you a few ideas of what you should be looking for. 

You want to find people who have some of the following qualities. 

 They inspire you to want to be like them or better. 

They have a desire and the ability to force you to grow

Preferably they have already done what you want to do or they are far further down the path than you. That way they can steer you past the obstacles that might stand in your way, or help you past the problems you may face. 

There is an expression that is oft-repeated by those in the know that originally comes from Jim Rohn.  The expression says… 

You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

Oh one more thing before you go if you are serious about improving the quality of people around you, and increase the quality of your thinking about yourself and your business, you might like to take a look HERE enjoy!