The 4 Personalities of Action

Over the years I have noticed that there are four distinct categories of people who are in business.

Depending on which type you have will often inform how you show up in the world. The nice thing is once you recognise yourself (if you are no happy) you can make adjustments or for that matter improvements.

This is a quick list of the four followed by an explanation of each.

Personality 1 Do Nothing

Personality 2 Retreat

Personality 3 Reasonable

Personality 4 Unreasonable

DO NOTHING – The do nothing personality is far worse that is sounds. The do-nothing personality is no longer taking actions to move forward. Either they have given up hope. They have lost enthusiasm or interest in their business. They wrongly believe that they have reached that stage where they think there is nothing left to do. This is the gateway to death. If you are not progressing you are regressing as the old expression goes. Grow or Die.

RETREAT – Then there are those who are shell shocked by the build-up of negative experiences. They have given up trying out of fear. They believe their actions will only lead to the worst-case scenario. So they give up trying. These are the people who never quite learned through feedback and iteration. They tested an idea and if it did not work that was that. They never looked to iterate past it, or use a positive feedback loop. Idea-Test-Result-Idea-Test-Result. Iterating all the way to success and doing this in the fastest possible way.

REASONABLE – Then there are those that on the surface appear as reasonable. They are taking enough action to appear like they are trying. These are the “Just Enough” folk. Unfortunately for them just enough gets them just that… enough. Soon they are overtaken by those who go the extra mile. The people who will not take no for an answer. They do just enough maybe to survive but they never make it to the big leagues.

UNREASONABLE – These are the type of people that actively seek out greater and greater problems to solve. They do this knowing that the more problems they solve the faster they progress. The better, stronger, faster, fitter they will be in the long run. These are the massive action types. Not a little action, Massive action. These are the “Dreamers of the Day” types. This is who you want to be…

There is a quote by Grant Cardone that I like it says…

“Taking massive action means making somewhat unreasonable choices, and then following these up with even more action”.

The first 3 personalities in the long run Will Kill Your Company and probably you along with it. We all know 95% of business fail within the first 10 years. We can also assume that somewhere along the way they never got around to solving all the problems that it takes to succeed. If they had they would still be in business.

So here is the lesson to take from this post. Become Unreasonable – Learn how to take massive action, find problems to solve in advance. When you solve a problem look for the next one right away. Don’t wait for them to come to you. Become unreasonable about how you approach your problems, your life, your business, your goals. Figure out how to fix them as fast as you an and success will find you.

If you are serious about growing your business you might like to read this next… the-secret-to-rapid-business-growth/